Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A dating service for cheaters?

One of the companies that got denied a superbowl ad spot was a dating service called Ashley Madison*.  It's not that Fox doesn't want people to hook up...but this service is all about the extramarital hookup.  Yes, a dating site for cheaters.  Really??  See excerpt from the site below.  It's sleazy enough to cheat on your wife/husband, but to be so lame as to require help? Ridonkulous.

*Note to husband:  Dear Husband, you may find "How to have an affair, Ashley Madison" under my internet search history. Please rest assured that this was solely research for my blog.  And the research did NOT involve contacting this company and/or utilizing their services.  Love you and can you pick up some milk on the way home? K, Thx!

Excerpt - Ashley Madison boosts your confidence so you can be a better and more efficient cheater:

"The first married dating tip on how to have an affair and most important, is be patient and don’t get discouraged. Married women tend to be reluctant to put their marriage on the line for another man, and women generally take much smaller risks and seek fewer rewards in life than men do. Keep this in mind. You may be the best looking guy on Ashley Madison and you may have the best approach for these married women, but married women are many times less likely to rush into having an affair. Not only is patience a virtue, it is the most important skill you can have while engaging in the world of extramarital affairs and searching for a cheating partner."


  1. so, does everyone who joins this site have to be married? can single people who enjoy being home wreckers join to have affairs with married people? or is this strictly for married people? i'm actually very intrigued by this very calculated, planned cheating website...

  2. All of the above...it's for home wreckers AND wreckees.
