Thursday, March 24, 2011

Serial Killers Need Love Too

With a profile pic like this, I think it'd be hard to get dates on the internet.

Fortunately, most dating sites allow you to write a little bit about yourself to entice the ladies.  This Reddit user posted his pic along with the quote, "I uploaded my photo to a dating site. So far, no hits. :("
Sad face, indeed.  Sad serial killer face! Reddit has been credited with launching some of the best internet memes and this one is pretty hilarious - with plenty of great spin-offs.  Quickmeme has created posters of this sad lad's mug along with witty and enticing captions.  Witness some of these below:

And on this site, you can even come up with your own captions for this captivating photo.  I gave it a whirl myself:

1 comment:

  1. OMG you crack me up. The last one is KILLING me (whah whah).
